Shrinking Middle Class of Sales Accounts

Part of The Lean Minute Collection on YouTube A short open-ended discussion about the shrinking middle class of sales accounts. Are you seeing the same thing? Place a comment on YouTube.  CAP-Do (More Info): What makes CAP-Do so attractive is that it assumes we do not have the answers. It allows us to create a Read More …

A Lean Approach to Sales Collaboration

Part of The Lean Minute Collection on YouTube I like to use the term EDCA (Explore-Do-Check-Act) learned from Graham Hill to designate the Explore aspect of Lean. I view it as more of Design Type thinking content that allows for that collaborative learning cycles with a customer. I added a twist to this by going Read More …

Lean Sales and Marketing Book Overview

Part of The Lean Minute Collection on YouTube This is a quick overview of a few of the books both old and new that have been written on applying continuous improvement (Lean and Six Sigma) in Sales and Marketing. CAP-Do (More Info): What makes CAP-Do so attractive is that it assumes we do not have Read More …

Two Heads Are Better Than One Right?

If Larger Groups make Better Decisions, What happened to the Government? Two heads are better than one right? And if so, three is better than two and so on. Ultimately, the U.S. Government might be the best decision body in the world? Of course, most of doubt this and on the other side of the Read More …

Estimating Your Sale Cycles

As most know, I think a few of the mapping methods used in the process fields are somewhat ludicrous when applied to sales and marketing. One of my favorites, of course, is Value Stream Mapping. It is, one of the applications that I see people try and try again to use thinking it can be Read More …

Optimize Your Organization for Learning

I ran across this tweet from Marshall Kirkpatrick @marshallk, CEO @GetLittleBirdWhat” “What if networked, faster learning was what big organizations were optimized for? (instead of efficiency)” He had linked in this YouTube Video to the Tweet: John Hagel’s speech at the 5th Global Peter Drucker Forum in Vienna. John Hagel III has nearly 30 years Read More …