Improve your Sales Cycle, Work on your Feedback Loops

When I start talking about speeding up the sales cycle the initial reaction is that the sales cycle is controlled by the customer and there is just not much we can do about that. I usually counter with, most companies understand that there is an average sales cycle time and if we just agree that Read More …

Changing Shape of Your Funnel

These five terms form a hierarchy of value in which data have the least value and wisdom has the most. I first ran across a similar description in the The Experience Economy an article published in 1998 by Joe Pine which I discussed in the blog post, Does your Value Proposition speak of the Customer Read More …

Call it Building a Lean Sales and Marketing Machine

David Skok, a five time serial entrepreneur turned VC, at Matrix Partners presented this at a HubSpot Webinar last week together with Mike Volpe, the VP of Marketing at HubSpot.This video is 60 minutes long and well worth the time. A little promotional for Hubspot but in my opinion Hubspot is a quality product and Read More …

Kill the Sales and Marketing Funnel

The Sales and Marketing Funnel is a theory that needs to be laid to rest. A linear approach to predict, plan, and proceed is a precarious way to advance. This approach prematurely foresees a solution for the customer without ever understanding their problem. And if you consider addressing the application of social media, it does Read More …

Marketing with PDCA Coming Soon!

Marketing with PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) is about using the PDCA process through-out the marketing cycle with constant feedback from customers that can only occur if they are part of the process. It is about creating value in your marketing that a customer needs to enable him to make a better decision. Targeting what your Customer Values Read More …

Shorten Marketing Cycle, Incr. Lifecycle

Why Lean Marketing? Because it is the Future of Marketing The Value Stream Map is a lean tool to analyze the value stream. Value Stream Mapping techniques involves mapping each step of a process looking for waste and on improving the total time from the beginning to the end of the entire stream. One of Read More …