Get Content, Get Customers – more info…

Last week, I gave a short review of this book but before I put it away I wanted to have one more takeaway. In the back of the book they highlight a few case studies which I found interesting but also I have listed a shorten version of their top 10 content marketing lessons: Only Read More …

Content marketing strategy from start to finish

These guys are talking my language. I believe content marketing is what really works these days and without it it is very hard to differentiate yourself. A quick outline of the book: Defining the organizational goals. Determine the informational needs of the buyer. Determine what you want the customer to do and why this helps Read More …

Simon tells it like it is, do you?

Simon does and is respected by it says Ree Hines, contributor, who just wrote about how past idols respect him. An excerpt follows: "Despite his reputation as “American Idol’s” tell-it-like-it-is dream dasher, Simon Cowell is popular with the show’s past contestants. A new report in The Star reveals Cowell’s tough talk earned him the Read More …

Top 5 Reasons a Good Idea – Product Launch – gets shot down!

5.  Internal focus instead of external. Your engineers and developer are not all knowing, but your customers are. 4.  Committed Resources : The resources that are built around a new project can get lost in the everyday shuffle. 3.  Not funded properly: Yes, Guy Kawasaki can start things for pennies, but I can’t. 2.  Having Read More …

Your Marketing bullets, are they sticking

I see people fire one (marketing message)bullet after bullet and wondering why they are not sticking. They just keep bouncing off people. Take a look at this video. Can you emphasize with the bullets? Now, think about what the bullets cost you and what happens to them after the bounce. Do they stick anywhere? Your Read More …

All Core Messages are not Created Equal.

I wrote a post recently that All Sales Channels are not Created Equal and talked about the resources that you would have to commit to each one. But today I had an appointment with a new client and was discussing their Core Message and went through an exercise that I thought might prove useful. More Read More …