7 Kata = The Next 7 Tools?

We have started a few discussions around the web and formed a Next 7 Tools community group to explore, create, and perfect the next generation of continuous improvement tools. I have offered a few suggestions one being in the blog post, Please Join Us in Evolving The Next Seven Tools. In this post I considered Read More …

Seeking Perfection in Lean

What’s more rewarding — eating a piece of candy, or the sense of anticipation you feel just before you eat it? As far as your brain is concerned, it’s probably the latter. Cynergey’s Kes Sampanthar explains what dopamine reveals about the neuroscience of motivation.      The latest Lean thoughts about seeking perfection have been Read More …

Outcome Based Mapping versus a Funnel

I use to believe that marketing funnels, value stream maps, process mapping and to some extent customer journey maps would work in present day sales and marketing processes (Value Stream Mapping should be left on the Shop Floor). I am not saying they won’t, but I have taken a completely different approach over the past Read More …

Mapping Expectations of Customer Behavior

Understanding Respect for People/Customers Most of us will agree when it comes down to the actual purchase decision, it is seldom the best functioning item that gets purchased. Rather, it is a combination of other factors including the other two legs of value; social and emotional. For example, it is why we choose a known Read More …

Will Lean Startup thinking work at GE?

Structure eats Culture for Breakfast! “I make all our managers read The Lean Startup,” says a Wall Street Journal ad quoting Jeffrey Immell the CEO General Electric for Eric Reis’s book. Well, Mr. Immell, I would recommend that unless you change structurally, it is likely that your managers have just read a fiction book. It Read More …

Your Structure needs to Change before You Create Demand

In one of my favorite books,The Path of Least Resistance for Managers  author Robert Fritz states: People are fond of saying, “Well, that’s our culture.” They seem to think that the cultural norms and habits of the organization are causal. But what creates the cultures? The underlying structures people are in. In fact, it is Read More …