Understanding Storytelling: The Pixar Way

The Pixar Storytelling book is about effective storytelling rules based on Pixar’s greatest films. The book consists of ten chapters, each of which explores an aspect of storytelling that Pixar excels at. Pixar Storytelling: Rules for Effective Storytelling Based on Pixar’s Greatest Films Learn what Pixar’s core story ideas all have in common, how they Read More …

The 12 Steps of the Funnel of Opportunity

The digital age has changed the way we deliver marketing, the way we execute. Marketing is no longer driven by the creative, it is driven by the process. Learning becomes paramount and is driven by the way you interact and structure your customer engagement. Marketing is no longer just about getting the message out. It Read More …

Lean A3 Thinking Audio Book

A collection of Business901 Podcasts that has been grouped under the title of Lean A3 Thinking. It includes the authors below in the order of appearance and totals around 2 1/2 hours in length. If you prefer a transcription most of them are available on the Business901 Issuu website: https://issuu.com/business901. Tracey Richardson is a Lean Thinker with Read More …

Recognizing Your Own Opportunities

First learning about Isaac Lidsky in his popular TED Talk “What reality are you creating for yourself?” the former Saved by the Bell teen star-turned-entrepreneur Isaac recalls how the clerk he waved to in the store was really a mannequin; how he reached down to wash his hands and realized it was a urinal and not Read More …

Lean Product Development (w Lean 3P) Audio Book

This is a collection of Business901 Podcast that has been grouped under the title of Lean Product Development. It includes the authors below in the order if appearance and totals around 3 hours in length. If you prefer a transcription most of them are available on the Business901 Issuu website: https://issuu.com/business901. Ron Mascitelli, president of Technology Perspectives and Read More …

The Right Way to Energize & Engage People

With more than 30,000 copies sold worldwide, Susan Fowler’s powerful and influential book, WHY MOTIVATING PEOPLE DOESN’T WORK…AND WHAT DOES: The New Science of Leading, Energizing, and Engaging, is now available in paperback. Susan argues that most of the current approaches to engagement have not caught up to the science of motivation, resulting in short-term practices that undermine the Read More …