Does CAP-Do look like DMAIC

When @addartis on Twitter yesterday posted that the Reflection A3 (CAP-Do) looked a lot like a Lean version of the Six Sigma process of DMAIC (Define -Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control), I had to admit they were eerily similar. I pulled up from my archives or more specifically the eBook, Marketing with A3 (More Info), and rolled out an A3 on Read More …

Quickest Way to A Quality Marketing Plan

A lot of us will procrastinate writing a marketing plan and for good reason. Planning is painful. If done correctly, it forces us to face current reality. Adding insult to injury, it forces us to face future reality. It is simply a disheartening process for most. I wrote an outline on what I think a Read More …

A Collection of Leadership Stacks

This is a collection of Business901 Podcast Transcriptions, called Stacks (see below) through my Issuu channel: Leadership Stacks are a new way to organize your own publications, as well as any other publications that you find interesting. For your own publications, after you are done publishing them, Stacks are an easy way for readers to Read More …

Are my Service Expectations to high?

I question Shep Hyken in a recent podcast, Hyken on Customer Service, about my own expectations of service. Related Podcast and Transcription: Amazing Customer Service Excerpt from Podcast:  Joe: It all sounds good, but I still pick up the phone and feel like 50% of the time I receive less than average service. Shep: Wow, and Read More …

Apollo on Sales Funnels

Bob Apollo is the founder and principal consultant behind Inflexion-Point Strategy Partners, one of the UK’s leading B2B sales and marketing performance improvement specialists. Bob works with promising early stage companies to help them “Cross the Chasm” from early adopters to mainstream markets, and with established organisations to refocus their sales and marketing activities and Read More …