Why Lean Marketing – the 5th P of Marketing

Lean Sales and Marketing is driven by several different factors with the one explained in this video being the most important. If you want to see what is at the core, watch this video. Related Information: Lean Marketing Creates Knowledge for the Customer The Pull in Lean Marketing The 7 step Lean Process of Marketing Read More …

A Gemba Talk with Womack on Lean

Is Lean anything more than a Hypothesis? Dr Jim Womack: “The life of lean is experiments. All authority for any sensei flows from experiments on the gemba [the place where work takes place], not from dogmatic interpretations of sacred texts or the few degrees of separation from the founders of the movement. In short, lean Read More …

Lean, Quality, Six Sigma Consultants and Organizations – 28 Day Marketing Program

I am putting a different twist on these programs. All of the webinars will be distributed at the designated time to provide a structured learning concept but they will be yours to keep. I won’t be taking the time off though. In addition to the webinar training, I will be offering the participants the opportunity Read More …

Continuously Improving thru PDCA eBook

This is a transcription of the podcast, Continuously improving thru PDCAthat I had with Dean Ziegler of the Systems2win Company. Systems2win provides a standardized set of easy-to-use Excel templates for business process improvement with surprisingly inexpensive self-paced online training and eye-popping flexibility to personalize your templates to fit your needs to dramatically improve the speed, Read More …

Power of Check The Pivot in PDCA

Lean Startup guru Eric Ries recommends that start-ups refine their business models through small adjustments or pivots. Pivots are an important part of creating what Eric calls the Lean Start-up where you create a basic product/service with just enough features to be tested by customers. Eric encourages the founders to get out of the office Read More …

Lean creates the Customer Relationship

These questions may get answered for you when you listen to this podcast. Do you think Lean can be applied to Sales and Marketing? Do you think Sales and Marketing departments resist becoming Lean? How important is Lean to Sales and Marketing? Or, how important is Sales and Marketing to Lean? Download/Listen to Podcast MP3 Read More …