Small Business Podcast from SCORE

A great underutilized resource for small business is SCORE. They have a Small Business Success Podcast Series which has some excellent material monthly. And what is great about the podcast is that they are short enough, many are only 6 to 8minutes, that you can get a mini-briefing on the subject matter. Browse around their Read More …

Real industry data for your marketing plan

A simple add on feature to Marketing Plan Pro that is available to you: Improve your marketing plan with five years of financial statements, key business ratios, and more data for your industry and locality It’s a question we hear all the time. Where can I find the market research data that I need to Read More …

Everyone is beating up on Print Media

I have been reading post after post about print media outlets clos ing and what they need to do about it. It seems like it is never ending and everyone has an opinion. Even Me! So, here I go to voice and give an opinion: Start using direct targeted pieces more. Use ads with codes Read More …

Measure “shared” engagement with your social media effort

Measuring to improve is a very important part of getting better. Since many metrics and modalities exist its important to classify engagement and put specific measures in place to track and monitor them. This post will give you one set of measures to answer the question “How do we measure the value when someone “Digg”’s Read More …

More Branding Ideas

I just finished Branding Only Works on Cattle by Jonathan Salem Baskin. One of my favorite bloggers, Chris Brogan just finished the book also. Chris said:  "By the end, I really loved the ideas, and I came away really reconsidering some of how I talk about marketing and have shifted a little bit of what Read More …

Do you Vlog?

Vlog I just started thinking about blogging!!! That’s right, a blog is a video blog. It is really not that new and while familiar with YouTube, there are some subtle differences. Can I tell you what the differences are? Why think it might terms I could.  But it’s really about what you think the differences Read More …