Cellular Concepts to Marketing Segments

Cellular manufacturing is one of the most powerful Lean tools. It will allow for smaller lot production, quality improvements, and shorter lead times and simplifies the implementation of pull. Typical manufacturing systems had the same machines all grouped together and as a result batch type manufacturing was developed. As manufacturers developed cellular systems, they found Read More …

Customer Flow: Not Linear or Controllable

Mark Tamis @ marktamis.com recently presented at the Selfservice Company UG and below is a copy of his slidedeck via slideshare. A blog post of Mark’s, Go With The Customer Flow is an insightful read. Read the entire thread to include the comments And…watch the video at the end of the blog post- exhilarating for Read More …

Define the Expectation, Delight the Customer

In tomorrow’s podcast with Marc Stickdorn, co-author of This is Service Design Thinking, I asked my typical “last question” and it went like this: Joe: Is there something that I didn’t ask that you would like to expand on or mention about service design thinking? Marc: Maybe I would like to add one thing and Read More …

What Sales and Marketing can learn from Demand Driven Manufacturing

“Demand-Driven manufacturing is a manufacturing requires a fundamental shift form the centrality of inventory to the centrality of demand. To be successful, company must be able to sense and adapt to market changes.” – This is from the Orlicky’s Material Requirements Planning 3/E.written by my recent podcast guest Carol Ptak and Chad Smith of the Read More …

Reducing Muda for Others with Kaizen

Kaizen is about involving employees to get them not only the way to do work but to help improve the way others do their work. The Friday Video Series continues with Dr. Michael Balle, the Gemba Coach at the Lean Enterprise Institute. This series of videos continues with a central theme of Kaizen. Dr. Balle Read More …

Change Education, Change the Sales Cycle

Though this is a well documented Ted Video, I ran across the RSA Animate video version of Ken Robinson’s discussion on education. Funny thing about it was that it really hit a chord when thinking about the typical Sales Cycle or Marketing Funnel. Not the part on Attention Deficit Disorder but when he talks about Read More …